-If a student is well enough to be in school he/she is well enough to dress and participate in Physical Education class.
-A parent note is required to verify an illness or injury. A parent note may only cover 2 consecutive days. After 2 days a doctor’s note is required.
-All notes will be sent to the school nurse to be placed in the student’s file. The nurse will then issue a medical pass for that day that you will give to the P.E. teacher.
-If a student has an illness or injury, which would require extended time out of class they will be sent to the library to work on school assignments and read an AR book.
-If a student becomes ill at school, a pass may be obtained from the school nurse for that day.
-If a student has a medical note from the nurse he/she may NOT participate in any extracurricular activities.
-Students are given 4 free absences per quarter. Any time a student goes over the 4 absences they must make-up the days missed. For every day that they miss they will receive a zero for the day. They can make up the absences at zero-hour which takes place from 8:40-9:10 in the gym. The student will get changed as they would for P.E. and then go through the stretches, running, and activity for the day.